Futurity 2023
Roleski 4 Spins Futurity
$75, 000 added
After 8 years we are coming back with Roleski 4 Spins Circuit!
Roleski 4 Spins I(17-19.03), II (1-3.09) and III (19-22.10) are played in the form of a series of competitions. Points are awarded for each start in the class included
in the cycle.
Classes included:
- Open
- Intermediate Open
- Limited Open
- Non Pro
- Intermediate Non Pro
- Limited Non Pro
- Rookie Professional
- Rookie Lvl 1&2
- Youth 14-18
- Youth 13&Under
Remember this date 19-22 October

About Us & Why We are
Roleski Ranch
ROLESKI Ranch is the largest Western horse riding center in Poland. Our center is located in Stare Żukowice, about 90 km east of Krakow. We specialize in breeding American Quarter Horses. Roleski Ranchis also a training center. Our horses and trainers win high places in NRHA and AQHA reining competitions. In 2016-2017 we hosted the NRHA European Affiliate competition, which was held for the first time in Poland.

Indoor arena 30x60

Warm-Up Arena

250 Boxes

15HA Paddocks



Futurity Show Sponsors
Main Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors